Monday, March 29, 2010


Because I know you wanted to know all of these things.

How old are you? Just turned 22.
What color eyes do you have? Hazel.
Have you ever been on a blind date? I have. Not a fan. But who is I guess.
Are looks important? They are. That's the thing.
Do you have any famous ancestors? John Wilkes Booth. RESPECT ME!
By what age would you like to be married? Whatever age I happen to be in love and ready to be married, I suppose.
Have you ever had a crush on a teacher? HAVE I! Junior year. English. Don Menzies. Tall, young, bearded, hippie, never planned a lesson in his life.
Beatles or Stones? Easy. Beatles.
Do you have any phobias? EVERY TIME I go running I have this fear that a tree branch is going to come out of nowhere and poke my eyeball out. It literally terrifies me sometimes.
If you were an animal what would you be? Roseate spoonbill.
Hair color you like on someone you're dating? Ah k, I’m partial to brunettes.
If you weren't straight, what person of the same sex would you be with? Emma Watson.
Have you ever been in love? I have.
Do you sing in the shower? If I want to I have to check every room in the house first to make sure no one is home because I am scared of someone hearing me.
Do you parallel park or drive around the block? I would rather drive around the block TEN TO SEVENTEEN TIMES than try to parallel park.
Is there one thing all of your ex's have had in common? A love for music.
How do you normally eat your cookies? Raw. Au natural.
When working out at the gym, do you wear a belt? I…literally don’t even know what this means.
What was the last book you read? “Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close” and I would definitely recommend it
What zodiac sign are you? Pisces, through and through
What’s one of your worst qualities? Easily incited to any emotion, good or bad.
Biggest pet peeve? Mouth noises. Of any kind.
In one word, how would you describe yourself? Trying
If you could be fluent in any other language, what would it be? Français! I think there’s something so exciting about French.
Would you move for the person you loved? To the moon!
Do you believe that opposites attract? Yes…but the jury’s still out on whether they work
What's your main ringtone on your mobile? “Ce Jeu” by Yelle.
Who is the sixth text message on your phone from? Joel
Do you consider yourself kind? I try. Some days I do better than others.
Where would you like to travel? Greece, Italy, Mali, Iceland, Egypt, Israel, the Netherlands…
What was your favorite subject this year? Second half of the New Testament...fascinating, and so key.
What are your favorite colors? Primary colors.
How many video games do you own? I count ten, but I think a few don’t actually belong to me.
Are you too forgiving? No such thing.
Do you own something from Hot Topic? Haha! Yes, but nothing weird. I used to work there. Which, yes, WAS weird.
Do you dye your hair? Not for a year or so.
Do you prefer to stand out or blend in? Blend. Otherwise I feel like people are expecting me to do something.
I am listening to: Anything good. A lot of Simon & Garfunkel lately.
What makes you the happiest? Making people I love happy.
What are your nervous habits? Scratching the back of my head. Breaking eye contact.
What was your first job? Babysitter? Then cashier at a dying Steinmart.
Do you have a crush on someone? Yes.
Who do you have a crush on? EVERY BOY.
Are you talkative? To people who know me. I have no idea how to talk to people I don’t know.
Do you have a tan? Heavens no
Do you collect anything? Books, words, rocks now
In two words, explain what ended your last relationship. Bad timing.
What is your favorite flavor of JELLO? Can I do puddings? I like all the puddings.
Do you know anyone famous? Tara Brock
Some things you are excited about? Summer
How do you like your drinks? In liquid form, or semi-liquid if it happens to be a shake or slushie.
What's your bed like? Oh well it’s cute. It’s a daybed made of white wrought iron and it has a brand new bright yellow blanket that I bought at a flea market and I know what you’re thinking, but I totally washed it so it’s fine.
Song that makes you emotional? A few. “Inside + Out (Apostle of Hustle Unmix)” by Feist.
What were you doing this morning at 8 a.m.? Dead asleep. Well, not really dead asleep. I'm a light sleeper. I was lightly sleeping.
What should you be doing instead of this? Oh just ANYTHING really.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

go back to those gold soundz

I was checking my email and my inbox was, as always, cluttered with advertisements from various businesses that have forced me to give them my email address. I was checking the boxes beside each email to prepare them for deletion from the universe when I noticed that one of them had the subject line " Dinosaurs Extinct?" .....Is there any doubt that dinosaurs are extinct?? The possibilities were so tantalizing that I had to click on the email even though I am convinced that there is a spy inside of my computer who will now know that I showed interest in an email and will probably report this to them, increasing the volume of annoying junk mail. But it was worth it, because look at this.
DON'T MIND IF I DO. I don't know how they know that I love dinosaurs, that in fact a few weeks ago I checked out no less than TEN BOOKS from the BYU library about dinosaurs. Touché won a victory for junk emailers everywhere.

Monday, March 22, 2010

and i was your silver lining, as the story goes

I've been getting emails for the past month informing me about the elementary ed major classes I'm starting this spring, but I hadn't gotten the letter in the mail saying I'd gotten into the program, so it just didn't feel official yet. The thing is, I knew the letter was in my mailbox, I just haven't been able to get to it because my roommates and I lost our mail key. We resigned ourselves to the fact that the key is, for all intents and purposes, being worn around the neck of a homeless man as jewelry and so we ended up paying FORTY DOLLARS to get a new one. Okay post office, would you like my KIDNEY TOO? And by my kidney, I mean my mom's kidney because, let's be honest. She paid for it. Anyway, it was all worth it because I got my official letter, and some homeless guy got a new piece of jewelry, and some employee at the post office got almost enough money to buy his wife a new DIAMOND RING. All's well that ends well.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

They say it's your birthday!

Yesterday was my 22nd birthday and it was wonderful. Today it has been forgotten in the drunken bar-hopping revelry that is Provo on St. Patrick's Day (....). I am told that St. Patrick's Day is a real holiday, unlike St. Valentine's, the namesake of which may or may not have actually existed. Real or not, I don't care about either of these holidays, mostly because they're not Christmas and nobody gives me a present. 

Here are some pictures from the birthday party my friend Melissa threw for me.
The pyramid that almost destroyed the apartment.
Me and my seester Megan.

Friday, March 12, 2010

now you're all gone, got your makeup on and you're not comin back.

I rediscovered this album, and I am telling you what: it is not get over-able.

This album is full of reminiscent appeal for me. As a senior in high school, I sat in a parking lot at sunset and listened to "Anthems For a Seventeen-Year-Old Girl" on repeat literally for an hour when I was intensely alone and feeling like I had outgrown my background. "Almost Crimes" reminds me of early summer ('04? '05?)--laying on my bed, listening to this song, and feeling extremely hopeful. And "Lover's Spit" has never failed to break my heart upon each new listen.
I have a love/hate relationship with albums like these--who doesn't? There are a few that are so evocative for me, all I have to do is think of the album title and I get sucker punched right in the gut. Nostalgia does funny things to me; for instance, if I taste or even smell citrus-flavored gum, I am eighteen and walking in a park at 6 o'clock in the morning with this guy I dated briefly but who meant a lot to me. I've become exponentially better in the last year or so at not dwelling on the past, but give me an album like "You Forgot It in People" and I'm at senior prom, on the lake, in the dorms--anywhere but least for an hour or two.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Found: about twunny rocks.

I went hiking a few times earlier this week up in the canyon and on Y mountain. I love hiking. I can't stand to not be outside when the weather is nice. On Monday I was happily running down the mountain. I pretended I was a flock of geese, I pretended I was a horse, I pretended I was in Iceland. When I got to the bottom I found a rock I liked and I picked it up, and the thing is, I really don't collect rocks and I in fact have no use for them at all, but I kept picking them up and putting them in my hoodie pouch. I told myself I would dump them out at the end of the trail but then I just didn't. I have no plan for them. I am not artistic. Don't ask me why I do these things, all I know is now I have a bowl full of dirty water and a handful of vaguely similar rocks at the bottom. So, I mean, if you were looking for a bunch of muddy rocks...I have some.

And here they are.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Now I submit to you a story. It takes place in biology lab for elementary education majors. Professor Stowers informed us that we would be learning about genetics and passed out to each of us a small strip of paper, instructing us to put them into our mouths. I popped mine onto my tongue, and immediately started spluttering and flailing, making what I'm sure were alarming noises. It was literally THE GROSSEST THING I have ever tasted in my life. I can't even describe how bitter and heinous it was. The TA asked if I needed to leave and I bolted from the room to rinse my mouth out at the nearest water source. I was lucky it was a fountain because I would have used toilet water at that point. I returned to the room with the slow gait of a war veteran. Several people expressed concern, rubbing my back and offering me gum. I gave them a weary, heroic smile as I accepted their sympathy. Professor Stowers said, "You have just taken the PTC test. Some people can taste the toxin, some can't. How many of you could taste it?" NINE OTHER PEOPLE RAISED THEIR HANDS. I'm pretty sure I was the only one who had a breakdown. WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?
Next, we did finger pricks to learn our blood types. There was an air of anticipation in the room, as if learning our blood types would unlock some important secret about our true selves. Everyone was given a lancet to prick their finger, and no one could seem to get themselves to poke hard enough to draw blood. In order to prove to my table mates that I am not totally pathetic, I grabbed the lancet and eagerly jabbed my finger. Blood spurted out all over the table, which was not overly appreciated by the others. I told them that I don't have AIDS or anything so it was okay, but they didn't seem convinced. It doesn't really matter though, they are already trapped into doing a group project with me and they can't get out of it now, so. You know. What can you do.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The debut.

I can't think of a good way to start this...I'm Sara, and I have thoughts, and you're welcome to them?

A little about me...I'm an elementary education major at BYU, and I love it. My greatest loves in life are music and reading. I have wonderful friends, a great family, and life is pretty good at the mo. That's probably all you need to know. I started this blog to keep those who are interested in my life updated, although knowing me this will probably turn into a monologue about why I feel Laughing Cow cheese is genius, and my theory about why an estimated 70% of the most annoying guys in my classes are married, and aren't babies precious? So if you were hoping for important events and milestones in my life, you will probably just have to ask me. If you were hoping for a rambling collection of rants and philosophies, welcome.