Wednesday, March 24, 2010

go back to those gold soundz

I was checking my email and my inbox was, as always, cluttered with advertisements from various businesses that have forced me to give them my email address. I was checking the boxes beside each email to prepare them for deletion from the universe when I noticed that one of them had the subject line " Dinosaurs Extinct?" .....Is there any doubt that dinosaurs are extinct?? The possibilities were so tantalizing that I had to click on the email even though I am convinced that there is a spy inside of my computer who will now know that I showed interest in an email and will probably report this to them, increasing the volume of annoying junk mail. But it was worth it, because look at this.
DON'T MIND IF I DO. I don't know how they know that I love dinosaurs, that in fact a few weeks ago I checked out no less than TEN BOOKS from the BYU library about dinosaurs. Touché won a victory for junk emailers everywhere.


megan leigh said...

why am I laughing SO HARD right now?

amylynne said...

I'll be sure to tell Landon that you share a love of dinosaurs.

For future reference, if you click on the amazon link from my blog and then buy anything within 24 hours, I get a profit. You would be contributing to the effort to buy diapers for my children's bare bottoms. It's the humanitarian thing to do, really.