Thursday, April 8, 2010

don't think that I'm pushing you away when you're the one that I've kept closest.

"Crystalised" by the xx. I've listened to it on repeat for two days and I feel like a better human. Well okay, not really. But yeah, I was being serious.

I don't know why, but the guitar harmonies in this song make my insides feel like this.


amylynne said...

Admittedly, I do like the song. However, I still don't understand the MS Paint interpretation of the guitar harmonies. Maybe I just need to listen to it on repeat for 2 days...

Sara said...

I actually am not the artist behind the MS paint scribble. But. It is accurate.

Bad Grammar - Good Design said...

Soooo... listening to a song on repeat about being "crystalised" on drugs makes you feel like a better person?? interesting...but fair.

Sara said...

It's not about drugs QUID! It's about feeling pressured to move too fast in a relationship. duh.

Bad Grammar - Good Design said...


Mom said...

If it makes your insides feel like that picture, then it may be dangerous. You should probably not listen to it too much.