Thursday, December 30, 2010

Well, the temple is awesome.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Notting Hill...Possibly the least romantic movie EVER?

I first saw this movie many years ago after hearing from everyone that it's so romantic. After watching it I was convinced that I missed some pivotal scene in the beginning where it was made clear why these people liked each other in the first place. I just didn't get it. I watched it again tonight, thinking that I would understand better now that I've had more experience with relationships. I understand it even LESS.

Here are my problems with it.

-Why did she kiss him in the first place? They had exchanged like 10 sentences, and she seemed to be almost completely indifferent to him. And then all of the sudden she just KISSES him? Do people DO that? Is that romantic? What am I missing here?
-She's genuinely inconsiderate and even mean to him! She lies to him or belittles him or yells at him every time they interact. How is that romantic or even OKAY?
-He LETS her be horrible to him, and then ends up being the one to apologize! He constantly lets her walk all over him and never really calls her out on it. The one time he comes close to it, he ends up accepting her pitiful excuse and she's never held accountable! What is wrong with this guy? NOT OKAY!
-All of his friends think he's an idiot when he finally gets the guts to tell her he can't have a future with her. Their only reason for this seems to be that she is a famous movie star and so he should jump at the chance to be with her. GROSS!

What is the message of this movie? That we should put up with an indeterminate amount of crap in order to be with someone we consider out of our league? That's the complete opposite of romance to me!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Penny for...

--Why has no one nominated me for "What Not to Wear" yet? I think it would be great to fly to New York and have them fuss over my hair and makeup and tell me what clothes to buy. YOU KNOW I DESERVE THIS: I wear sweats whenever I can possibly get away with it. Stacy and Clinton would be appalled.

--I had a dream that I was THE Harry Potter last night. It was a scary but wonderful dream. Voldemort was chasing us around a countryside that looked suspiciously like some places in World of Warcraft.

--There is no getting around it: packing is just...the worst.

--I want to be Joanna Newsom's best friend. I think I'll write her a letter telling her why we should be friends. I'm sure that she wouldn't be creeped out at all. I feel like I should tell her that her hometown is in my mission, which I've been calling "The Joanna Newsom Mission" in my head.

--Why is EVERY SINGLE GUY in "16 and Pregnant" THE WORST PERSON IN THE UNIVERSE? I just want to write them a letter so I can tell them how much they suck.

--I am in a letter-writing mood.