Saturday, July 16, 2011


Well, this has been a good week in Stockton. The weather has strangely cooled down a little here. We've been told not to get too comfortable because August in the valley is unbearable. But I feel like people like to scare missionaries. ANYWAY. The event of most import this week was Maria choosing a baptismal date (July 23rd). We were so excited! She seems a little unsure--she feels like she's not ready yet, although she is. So hopefully she doesn't end up pushing the date back. We're doing all we can to help her feel prepared, but it certainly didn't help when she found a documentary on netflix that ended up being extremely anti-Mormon. WONDERFUL. But we were able to address all of the issues that were brought up in the movie, most of which were 100% false. I am getting so BORED of all the anti-Mormon stuff out there. Get a life people. But other than that, life is good. Hope yours is too. Foster signing out.

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