If you were inside my head for the past few days, these are the things you would have seen.
--One bad thing about the 1st cohort of the major (which is the second semester of the elementary education program) is that it's arranged so that the same people are in all of your classes every day. Which, okay, you're thinking that's great because we get to know each other really well and be friends and talk about boys and stuff. But. I don't get to wear the same outfit two days in a row. Gross, you say? No, economical.
--Within the last three days, three people I know have gotten engaged. What is going on???
--Married guys are the worst classmates. They've already snagged a woman so they don't feel the need to be likeable anymore. Exempli gratia: I sat next to this guy in a class. He brought this (LOUD) plastic bag full of really stinky food every day and would proceed to snack (LOUDLY) even though we had to sit uncomfortably close because the desks were attached together. This food always smelled egg-y, sulfurous, or like smelly room temperature cheese. And he would chomp so loudly that I couldn't even hear the professor. I bet myself that he was married. He raised his hand a few classes into the semester and sure enough, there was the ring. I won the bet, but it really wasn't worth it.
--I am ready for some fall weather. I just really like tights and cardigans.
--It's nice finally having a printer.
--I need to go to the gym more. Buuut...I think I'll just go take a nap instead.
--It's overwhelming having so many new people in this ward. And all the new girls are so young! Or, could it be--am I just getting old?
--I wish I didn't like The Bachelor Pad so much. It's embarrassing.