Sunday, May 16, 2010

A rejection gallery for your perusal.

I was thinking today as I looked at my Facebook... I have literally untagged myself in at least a hundred photos. Why do I think anyone cares whether I look ugly in a picture? I don't know, all I know is that if I see a picture of myself and my first thought is, "Oh hey DISGUSTING WEIRDO" I immediately go for the "untag"  button. It's a reflex, I can't even control it at this point. Like this picture:

The mask froze my face, Botox style, into some unspeakably weird expression. Not to mention my face looks round as all get out. The thing is, I put this picture on Facebook and tagged it MYSELF, and THEN untagged it. WHAT?

Or this gem:
Nothing like an upward angle to make your chin and neck become one. As an added bonus, there's some serious ear stick-outtage going on here.

And who could forget:

Well now they're back up for everyone to see. I'll leave them here as a tribute to all the other reject photos I've banished from my sight.


amylynne said...

I don't think anyone even noticed that you were in the facial picture. Because look at Mom.

jesse said...

Your brutal honestly is great. This is funny :)

Unknown said...

Mom looks awesome!!!

Unknown said...

So since I haven't spoken to you in forever...I felt the best way to stay in contact would be to stalk your blog, duh. So here I am stalking while I'm at my boring job at the bank and I'm cracking up at these pictures and your comments. Especially the mask one...actually all of them. I love you, I miss you- your friend Allie :)